today is officially clinton's birthday, but sunday was his diego party at his gg's house. he's 4's hard to believe he's getting so big!!
later sunday night was the survivor gabon fianle. for the past three seasons we have had a little pool going...we just put in $5 per name, and we all draw two names. whoever's person wins gets the pot...sounds fun, right?
here's the birthday boy with his tina turner, uh, i mean diego cake.
mister max enjoyed the birthday fun, too!
the star gift was the cap guns....everyone there got shot (and died appropriately)!! great fun!!later sunday night was the survivor gabon fianle. for the past three seasons we have had a little pool going...we just put in $5 per name, and we all draw two names. whoever's person wins gets the pot...sounds fun, right?
well, in the beginning it know you root for whoever you draw, even if you don't like them. the first season john won...the second season janna and i came pretty close, but janna won. and then again this year, mine, mrs. morel's , and janna's people all made it to the final three...and guess what...janna won again!!! i'm not sure how, but i think the mcgregor's have fixed this whole was janna's idea... hmmmmmmmm!!
janna loves to point out that her dad's people always get voted out early on.alana and ava, sweet cousins!
mrs. morel made congo bars to go along with the african theme of the show...yum!
mrs. morel made congo bars to go along with the african theme of the show...yum!
miss alana in her christmas pj's....she was having lots of fun dancing around for everyone!