for the past 5 years i have had the distinct pleasure of leading a group of teenage girls in learning about, doing, and giving to missions. each week we meet to talk about missions work and missionaries here in the united states and around the world. often we do hands on missions at church and sometimes we even take to the streets!! below are some pictures of this past sunday when we went on a prayer walk in crieve we were standing on the corner, lifting up our community in prayer, i was very overwhelmed with emotion when i thought of what the people who would be driving by would think. would they think "what are those teenagers doing?", would they know what we were doing. if they did know, would they be happy or put off? i know that if i had seen a group of teenagers standing on a street corner praying i would have probably teared up...because i do that, but it would make me thankful to know that someone is praying for the world! i thank Jesus for these girls and that they have hearts for Him.
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