Just Because

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

my not bummer summer

 Yes, I totally stole that title from this movie (which looks cute, by the way!)

In this post I mentioned that I didn't have any special plans for the summer.  Since then, summer fun lists have been popping up in the blogosphere like cicada posts on facebook - and that's a lot! Understandably, most of these lists are for children who are out of school for the summer, but who says kids get to have all the fun!?!  So - I came up with a list of my own, and I've posted it up for all to see, so there's no going back now!

    Here ya go:
    Girls Night - dinner and movie
    Dinner Party at my house
Day Trip(s) - I've already taken one with Mel a couple of weeks ago to Louisville (much fun!), but I have a couple more in the works.
Weekend Trip to the Beach

Beach Theme Party
Scrapping/Crafting Weekend(s) - I have this one for sure planned already, but I would really like to set aside some chunks of time to work on a couple of other projects.

Make Pajama Pants - this has been on my mental to do list for some time, but I'm terrified of making clothes for some reason. I got a bunch of fabric at a sale last summer and I have perfect piece for some pj pants, so I'm going to try it out!

Take in some Sights of Nashville - I'm thinking the Frist, Hatch Show Print, exploring the "new" East Nashville, and maybe even a Segway Tour of Downtown.

Take "my kids" bowling, skating, and/or a movie - just hang out with the cool kids I love =)

    Read some Summer Books - I've gotten into listening to audio books, and I really miss actually holding a book and getting lost in it for a while. I found the first book in the Dorthea Benton Frank "Lowcountry" Series at McKay's this past weekend, so I'm starting there!!
So, there you have it!  And in the words of Judy Moody herself:
"I want more thrills - you can't have a not bummer summer without them!"

1 comment:

The McGregor Clan said...

Wonder what I will be invited to on this list.....hmmmmmm.